Video + Conversation + Chat
A real-time video streaming server.
Live chat system integrated with operational status monitoring and
pay-per-minute functions. Smartphone/PC compatible.
It supports a smartphone.

Real-time video, audio and text inter-communication service.
You can enjoy live chat casually because it is smartphone compatible.
Live chat system can be made available for wide range of application, from charge-free to charged web contents because of iintegrated pay-per billing function as a standard feature.

[Showcase examples]
> Telephone fortune-telling
> Conferense
> Online classroom (cram school, English conversation)
> Medical service (diagnostic, nursing care)
> Consultation center
> Service to protectors of children in care centers and nursery centers (day nurseries)
> Others,  Face-to-face customer interactions

Live chat software can also include various payment services and content-rich customer management systems. In addition, switching from or tying in with services provided by other enterprises can be available, please contact us.